Welcome to Mayothi!
- NagaSkaki 5.00 has been released! Now shows captured pieces, possible moves and more!
- Can you save electricity by switching your geyser off? We’ve done some experiments and have the results here!
- We’re busy updating NagaSkaki! New Features will include:
– Show captured pieces
– Easy setup of positions
– Updated chess boards
- Hyper Terminal not quite your thing? Try the beta version of SerialWizz and see how easy serial communications can be!
- Build a speed control for Radio Control models!
- A precision timer for use in C++ programs
- A more detailed description of how NagaSkaki plays chess
- The Mayothi Forum where users can ask questions, share information and discuss basically anything!
- An addition to our electronics section: transistors
- NagaSkaki 4.00 has been released!
- Konnectonator is a program that plays Connect four