
A chess program for Windows

Download information
Version: NagaSkaki 5.11
File: (2.3 Mb)
Platforms supported: Windows 98/NT/XP/2000/VistaInstalling NagaSkaki
Unzip the file to any folder (e.g. c:\NagaSkaki)
To run NagaSkaki, double click on NagaSkaki.exe

Calculate your chess rating

Download information
Version: ArpadCalc 0.1
File: (262 Kb)
Platforms supported: Windows 98/NT/XP/2000

Installing ArpadCalc
Unzip the file to any folder (e.g. c:\ArpadCalc)
To run ArpadCalc, double click on ArpadCalc.exe

A Noughts and crosses program with source code

Download information
Version Knoughty 0.1
File: (35 kb)
Platforms supported: Windows 98/NT/XP/2000, Palm OS

Installing Knoughty
Windows: Unzip the file to any folder (e.g. c:\Knoughty)
To run Knoughty, double click on knoughty.exe
Palm: After unzipping the file, double click on the Knoughty.prc file, or import it from your default hotsync manager.

Knoughty was compiled on the following C++ compilers:
Windows: Dev C++, a free IDE using the GNU compiler, available at:
Palm: OnBoardC, a free C++ compiler that compiles directly on the Palm OS, available at:

A connect four game

Download information
Version: Konnectonator 0.11
File: (727 kb)
Platforms supported: Windows 98/NT/XP/2000
Note: If the executable doesn’t work (File xxx not found), download this file and unzip the contents to the Konnectonator folder.

Installing Konnectonator
Unzip the file to any folder (e.g. c:\Konnectonator)
To run Konnectonator, double click on Konnectonator.exe

A serial communications program

Download information
Version: SerialWizz 09.1
File: (493 kb)
Platforms supported: Windows 98/NT/XP/2000

Installing Konnectonator
Unzip the file to any folder (e.g. c:\SerialWizz)
To run SerialWizz, double click on SerialWizz.exe